Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Environment Minister Thekla Walker visit the lithium pilot plant in Bruchsal. Also present are Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb and EnBW.
Zu BNN.de
An article in the Wiener Zeitung with Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb
Zum ArtikelResOpt is concerned with optimizing the combustion properties of biogenic residual and waste materials. The aim is to understand the formation mechanisms of deposits, to reduce their quantity and thus to increase the energy efficiency of biomass power plants.
Zum Projekt
Most batteries and rechargeable batteries today contain lithium. In nature, this light metal only occurs in bound form, so it has to be dissolved in a complex process. This is not always done in an environmentally friendly way. Now a company wants to extract lithium in Germany as well - from Europe's largest groundwater reservoir.
Zum Video (5:51 min)Interviews with Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb on the latest discovery of a rare earth deposit in Sweden:
NDR (5:53): "Mining takes time".
SRF (7:01): What is the significance of the find?
SWR (4:31): Opportunity for environmental protection and less dependence on China.
An e-car without Chinese supplies? Completely unthinkable at present. Germany and Europe are trying to become less dependent on Chinese raw materials. But that is not so easy.
An article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb
Download Article ( GER, 0.7 MB)
Professor Jochen Kolb explains the pilot plant for lithium extraction on the site of the geothermal power plant in Bruchsal to Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Environment Minister Thekla Walker.
BNN News
Elena Kubiak was awarded the Arcardis Prize 2022 for her MSc thesis on "Environmental impact of historical mercury mining at the Stahlberg (Rhineland-Palatinate)".

Dr. Teba Gil-Díaz has been awarded the YIG Prep Pro Fellow at KIT, financing her own post-doctoral research project for the next two years in the area of environmental dispersion of trace elements in aquatic systems.

Prof. Jörg Schäfer (University of Bordeaux) will give a course focusing on transport and reactivity of trace elements in estuaries (example Gironde and its tributaries) on the 05th and 06th of July 2023 in the framework of the ERASMUS lecturer exchange. Please register via ILIAS. More information can be found here.

We congratulate Majken and Philipp and wish them all the best for their future. Majken is the first native Greenlandic female holding a PhD in geology.

Fernsehbeiträge in ZDF - Terra X, hr-fernsehen und 3sat - Unser Beitrag zur umweltfreundlichen und kostengünstigen Lithiumgewinnung in Deutschland
Dr. Elisabeth Eiche will be awarded the 2022 Faculty Teaching Award for outstanding interdisciplinary teaching in the area of "Geoecology, especially Environmental Analysis and Applied Geosciences."
YouTube (1:00 min)
Students of the Environmental Mineralogy Exercises doing field work under corona conditions are selected for the cover of the latest Bulletin of the International Union of Soil Sciences
IUSS HomepagePodcast mit Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb in SWR - AKTUELL
Download (German, MP3, 5.3 MB)
A comunity effort improves the carbonate clumped-isotope thermometer and drives its wider application
AGU Journal EOS
Cooperation between KIT and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Full ArticleEurope's largest lithium deposit lies under the Rhine. Prof. Jochen Kolb knows where lithium can be found in Germany and what opportunities it offers.
Download (German, MP3, 7.87 MB)
Lithium aus Tiefenwasser in der Geothermieanlage Bruchsal
Genesis of orogenic gold deposits: Insights from the Tati Greenstone Belt of eastern Botswana
News...Interview mit Prof. Dr. Stefan Norra, Dr. Nicolas Börsig und M.Sc. Jonas Bauer.
Wir unterstützen Vietnam mit dem ViWaT Mekong Projekt
Zum Interview (4:40 Minuten)
Lithium ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil moderner Akkus. Der Abbau in Deutschland soll sich in Zukunft lohnen.
Interview (3:00)Magazin der Hochschule Pforzheim im September
ThinkTank Inustrielle Ressourcenstrategien

KIT-Professoren Stefan Norra (Environmental Systems) und Peter Nick (Botanik) diskutieren über den KIT Campus Süd
Zum Podcast (46:28 Minuten)
Lithium - Einer der wichtigsten Rohstoffe für Batterien
SWR Interview mit Prof. Kolb (08:50)
SWR Aktuell 09.09.2020
Unser Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung im Mekongdelta, Vietnam.
Projekt: ViWaT - Engineering
Vollständige Pressemitteilung

Wasser aus der Tiefe des Oberrheingrabens lässt sich zur Wärme- und Stromgewinnung nutzen, ähnliche mineralreiche Wässer sind aber auch grundlegend für die Bildung von Erzvorkommen in der Region.
Presseinformation vom 12.08.2020
Erfolgreicher Antrag für neue und innovative Messgeräte im Rahmen des "future fields" Exzellenzuniversitätsprogramms.
Mehr...«China hat sein Monopol gezielt und kapitalistisch aufgebaut»
InterviewBeteiligung am Thema Nachhaltigkeit mit dem THINKTANK "Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien"
KIT and Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI) signed a joined project management agreement.
Link_moreInterview mit Prof. Kolb zu europäischen Versäumnissen bei der Erschließung neuer Lagerstätten