
Hydrogeology of mine dumps - Lecture on 27.03.2015

As part of the WaMiSAR project, Prof. Kai Witthueser, Professor at the Institute for Groundwater Research at the Free State University (South Africa) and project partner, will give a lecture on "Hydrogeology of mine dumps" on March 27 at 2:30 pm.

Top topic at SWR3 - Germany and its own raw materials

Germany is dependent on imports - not such a good idea in times of trade wars and tariffs.

"Our knowledge of many raw materials is relatively poor because we haven't surveyed what is available in Germany" - Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb

To the SWR3 Podcast (03:09 min)
Hermann Credener Preis for PD Dr. Elisabeth Eiche

At this year's GeoSaxonia24, PD Dr. Elisabeth Eiche was awarded the Hermann Credener Prize by the DGGV for her scientific work

Seltene Erden Fund in Norwegen

Alle unsere „Wenden“, vor allem die Mobilitätswende und die Energiewende, hängen davon ab, dass wir über diese Rohstoffe frei verfügen können - Prof. Jochen Kolb


Ein Beitrag mit Prof. Jochen Kolb bei FOCUS

Zum Artikel
Dripstones as building blocks for climate research

Short film about the analysis of stalactites in Eberstadt near Buchen


NEW - Interview about this topic on the KIT Research-podcast

Geotherm, KIT-AGW, Lithium
Geotherm 2024

A guest at Europe's largest geothermal trade fair in Offenburg - lithium research also met with great interest here.

KIT Tropfstein
Tropfsteinhöhle als Klimaarchiv

Anhand von Höhlentropfsteinen rekonstruieren Forschende regionale und globale Klimageschichte – Isotopenzusammensetzung gibt Aufschluss über jahreszeitliche Niederschlagsmengen.

Deutschlandfunk Nova

KIT News
BioWaWi im Fernsehen

Beiträge des SWR und 3sat über Grundwasser, Biodiversität für den Trinkwasserschutz und das Citizen Science Projekt

Zu den Beiträgen
Karlsruher Umweltimpulse
Karlsruhe environmental impulses

On July 6, the panel discussion "Karlsruher Umweltimpulse" with Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb and other guests took place in the Triangel as part of the Knowledge Week Environment and Resources with the topic "Circular Economy, Raw Materials and Ethics".

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To the article
SGA-Young Scientist Award
Prizes for our young scientists

Victor Moritz Goldschmidt Prize for Dr. Benjamin Walter and SGA Young Scientist Award for Dr. Clifford Patten

Lithium, Nevada, Jochen Kolb
Noch mehr Lithium: Riesige Lagerstätte in Nevada entdeckt

Beitrag mit Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb im Deutschlandfunk "Forschung aktuell" über die Gewinnung und Herausforderungen der Lithiumförderung

Zum Radiobeitrag (4:35 min)
Lithium, The Parliament, KIT, Jochen Kolb, Bruchsal
Article in "The Parliament" - Europe's quest for home-grown lithium

Local energy company Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW) is working with researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to develop a process to extract tonnes of battery-grade lithium from the hot, salty water that powers the Bruchsal plant. If their project succeeds, it could produce Europe’s cleanest supply of lithium.

The Parliament Article