Geology MSc Jorge Correia Leite Arthuzzi
- Researcher - PhD student
- Room: Room 159
CS 50.40 - jorge arthuzzi ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Professur für Geochemie & Lagerstättenkunde
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Campus SüdAdenauerring 20b, Gebäude 50.40
76131 Karlsruhe
Jorge Corrêia Leite Arthuzzi, PhD student
Curriculum Vitae:
- Since 2022: PhD student, Research Associate, at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Chair of Geochemistry & Economic Geology, Karlsruhe (Germany);
- 2017-2020: Studies in Geosciences, MSc. in Igneous Petrology, at the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo (IGc-USP), São Paulo (Brazil). Thesis: “Sulfur content and speciation in clinopyroxene from the Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province, Brazil.”
- 2012-2016: Studies in Geology, BSc. in Geology, at the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo (IGc-USP), São Paulo (Brazil). Thesis: “Geological Integration of the Meridional Brasilia Orogen Front: Structure, Lithostratigraphy and Metamorphism in the Carrancas and Itutinga Region (Minas Gerais, Brazil).”
Research and topics:
- Petrological and geochemical investigation of the carbonatites and alkaline rocks from the Kuboos-Bremen Line (KBL) in Namibia;
- Applied and Analytical Geochemistry;
- In situ microanalysis;
- Petrological and geochemical investigation of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs);
- Geological mapping and field geology.
- Gustavo Prado, Jorge C.L. Arthuzzi, Gabriel L. Osés, Flavia Callefo, Lara Maldanis, Paula Sucerquia, Bruno Becker-Kerber, Guilherme R. Romero, Francy R. Quiroz-Valle, Douglas Galante. Synchrotron radiation in palaeontological investigations: Examples from Brazilian fossils and its potential to South American palaeontology, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 108, 2021, 102973, ISSN 0895-9811,
Project funded by DFG (Project-No.: WA 3116/15-1)
Magma evolution in space and time along the Kuboos-Bremen Line in Namibia