Carolin Reichert, M. Sc.
Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Professur für Geochemie & Lagerstättenkunde
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Campus SüdAdenauerring 20b, Gebäude 50.40
76131 Karlsruhe
I am interested in various environmental systems, especially in the vegetation of different biotope types and the versatile ecosystem services they provide. Currently, I am working on the derivation and evaluation of ecosystem services based on biotope types in the region of Bühl, Baden-Württemberg - Germany. The goal is to maintain and develop intact ecosystems for the future, despite the noticeable consequences of climate change, in order to ensure the protection of drinking water.
My research is part of the project BioWaWi
Keywords: ecosystem services, biotope types, climate change, drinking water protection, environmental protection, biodiversity